118该片改编自A. M. Shine的小说。28岁的艺术家米娜(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰),突然被困在爱尔兰西部一片广袤无边、人迹罕至的森林里。当米娜找到安身处时,才察觉到自己与三个陌生人一起受困,而且每晚都有神秘生物在监视和跟踪他们。 -
978SUPACELL is about a group of five ordinary people who unexpectedly develop superpowers. They have little in common except for one thing: they are all -
477影片讲述了复仇女神弗瑞奥萨(安雅·泰勒-乔伊 Anya Taylor-Joy 饰)惊心动魄的成长史。年轻的弗瑞奥萨从原本的家园被掠走,落入军阀狄门特斯(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)领导的帮派手中,在穿过荒原时,他们来到不死老乔(拉黑·休姆 Lachy H ulme 饰)所 -
如我之狼 第二季
822Mary and Gary want to be 'normal parents'. But their house needs a werewolf-proof basement - can they ever be 'normal'? As much as they worry about th